
champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.

I just cleaned out my facebook account and removed literally about a hundred people that I either:

● Don't care to be friends with

● Haven't talked to in years (or never met outside of the internet)

● Or pretty much can't stand at all.

Why do people feel the need to 'friend collect'? Who really cares?

Quite honestly, I'm sick of having false friends in my life. I don't care what bands you're friends with, or what shoes you rock or what clubs you can get into.

I need substance to my relationships. And it's nice to finally have some.


Joseph Barder said...

Ah, so you were the one who defriended me on myspace. Damn. I understand the need to prune, but it should be noted that I did try to be a real friend and not a sham friend; you just never actually replied when I tried talking to you. I was hoping we could get to know each other better, too. Eh well, apparently you're not interested.

Spider-Bat said...

You're a sham friend Kim, did you think of that? Huh? Or do you consider "Buddy Holly" (aka Leon) your friend?

Ceci N'est Pas Kimmy T said...

Whatever, John Craig! Buddy Holly IS ALL MINE! Mwahahahaha